Jim has been doing energy audits and metering for over 40 years.  While in graduate school, with his thesis advisor and two others, they audited all of Arizona’s primary schools via a very detailed questionnaire booklet sent to all schools.  Jim wrote a program to analyze the returned booklets’ data and print out final reports that were sent to each school.

In his own company Jim performed many energy audits and was involved in the federal “Schools and Hospitals” program.  This was in the late 1980s before utilities offered energy conservation incentive programs.  In the 1990’s he joined an ESCo (energy service company) and performed energy audits on institutional facilities (Hospitals and State-owned Buildings).  Hiring twelve engineers in two New York offices, he and his team upgraded lighting hundreds of public buildings in New York City and New York State.  By the time his tenure was passed on to another manager, his team had installed over $60 million in lighting upgrades.

This was followed by working with local utilities performing hundreds of evaluations. To do an evaluation, projects that had been built with utility incentives a year earlier where visited and instrumentation set up to monitor the new/changed equipment to determine the actual savings being achieved and compared it to the original energy audit that served as the incentive application. This work was but substantially more intense than a typical energy audit.

In 2006, as the ESCo was sold, Jim restarted his old company.  He continued to do evaluations for the local utility.  He then was hired by the local utility to act as their technical representative, where he reviewed energy audits and application for incentives. He continued doing energy audits with metering of industrial sites. In 2009 Jim started teaching his energy auditing class at a local Community College. In 2015 he went on-line with his classes, and has been teaching ever since.

He now offers two classes each Spring and Fall. Click below to see syllabus